Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Waiting for the sunshine

I am waiting for the sunshine.It has been a very cold winter.They say it was after 30 odd years that it was so cold.Though few yellow narcissus flowers have managed to bloomed in the garden center.
Sunshine is deceptive.When I peep out of my window it looks sunny. I step out it is freezing cold.I always make wrong decisions and am confused about how many layers of woolens I should put on.
Even if I hug the heater, the frozen soul does not melt.The blood has frozen in the veins and now shows as a weird network pattern on the skin, like a peepal leaf.It needs warmth of few centuries to make it melt like the glaciers do.
Everyone walks with their heads buried in their coats and caps curled like tortoise in his shell.The superficially generated heat is totally insufficient.It goes off like a whiff of air.Absorb it while it is passing by.There are many who keep a watch on it.One has to be very careful.When it comes, it can even burn you.
Last night I was on fire.At first I did not feel it when it caught my dress.Soon I saw a group of flames dancing above my feet. Everyone just watched in silence when I cried for help.It left burnt holes in my dress from which peeped fresh blisters.It did not pain.They say wounds hurt more in winter.

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